An AdBlock for TV?

An AdBlock for TV?

It's been years since AdBlock rid my internet of all ads. It's incredibly comfortable, and I can't imagine for a second how to survive without it.

About every 6 months, I happen to watch TV. It's the same thing each time: I'm stunned by the quantity and virulence of the advertisements. And then concretely, the ads for a car that parks itself and in which you can't put a paraglider or a windsurfer, I don't really care...

So why not make an AdBlock for TV?

Vague application idea:

It is necessary :

– A Freebox, because there is an API to develop your own remote control app

– A smartphone

– Lots of users

– A central server

Concretely :

– The smartphone listens to the noise of the TV

– When there is a new ad, the user presses a button on the app, which saves the “sound profile” of the ad. As there are lots of people who will press “ad” at the same time, we are sure that it should be banned. When the ad is saved by the system, it is automatically recognized the following times.

– When you recognize the ad, the smartphone remote controls the TV, either to send the “mute” signal, or to fast forward a delayed program.

To explore… If people want to get started 🙂

4 thoughts on “ An AdBlock for TV? »

  1. Just locate the opening credits of the ad (which also closes the ads) to cut the ad…
    Another possibility: the volume of the ads is slightly louder than that of the "normal" broadcast.

  2. I came across your article while looking for such an application. It is true that now with television by ADSL that must be feasible. For advertising, maybe (in addition to what Julien says) they increase the sound (that's what I heard). With this method, it seems to me very very easy to do. I'll keep looking and let you know if I find anything similar.

  3. It works well when you enter the number of your remote control (at Free). But on a practical level… it's not great. In fact, it's simply a remote control of its remote control (the mute button)...

  4. There is more simple!

    In a European country (Germany I believe, in my memories), there is a porter at the beginning and end of the ad. Then it's "finger in the nose".
    But that, we have to succeed in imposing it on our deputies 🙂

    I'll let you start the petition.

    If we could already impose (and it is normally already enshrined in law) a standardized sound volume for TV output...

    Congratulations for PiouPiou, it reminds me of my beginnings with my Atari Mega ST and my Analog/Digital electronic card and the assembly code for voice recognition.

    Go on… It's a great adventure.

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