Pioupiou pass son Bac

Pioupiou pass son Bac

Monday, 9 a.m.

Turn off your phones, put away your calculators. Exam week begins.

the Philo

As is the custom, the exam week always starts with the thing that makes our heads crawl.

Our friend did pretty well, since it only took him 2000 lines of code to explain all the mess that was in his brain.

I'm almost done editing. For the geeks, I'll post his copy next week.

The solemn oral

After the ordeal of the written blabla, it was time for the interrogation.

Imagine poor little Pioupiou, all alone, in the middle of this big, lifeless room… The menacing air from the walls… The examiner staring at him…

The subject was not trivial. It was about radio frequencies and harmonized standards.

He was very scared because, at first, the jury didn't like him. It was because of the power radiated by its antenna, which reached almost 17dBm. The judges were formal: you cannot exceed 14, it must be written in the sacred book ETSI EN 300-220.

Our Pioupiou, very sad, did not quite understand what was happening to him. How could it radiate stronger than the maximum power of its transmitter? He even went so far as to imagine that his coach had injected him with EPO while he slept.

Fortunately, the culprit was quickly identified. It was antenna that was a little overzealous.

Phew! All it took was a little software tweaking to restore order.

Not only did our Pioupiou graduate, but he got the honors because he showed us that he knew how to emit louder with less energy. This will have a real impact on his professional life, since it will save a few months on the life of his battery.

Practical work

After all these emotions, he was able to relax during the practical work.

Test the operation of all the cards, then connect the sensors, then retest…

All those insignificant little details that make a complete product.

The same innocuous little details that are no longer so innocuous when multiplied by 500.

Fortunately, it is a group work! Otherwise, it would take forever. There will even be another member arriving on Monday.

Physical education

Finally, training began for the big sporting event. There will be sweat!

After the endurance test of 5000 screws, it will be the turn of the big sprint of 500 meters of tape… When we have finished the high jump session above the mountains of empty boxes.

But we will have to continue to wait. There are still a few small accessories missing.

Among the list of works awaiting delivery: the Olympic swimming pool. We'll talk about that next week.

16 thoughts on “ Pioupiou pass son Bac »

  1. You make a little too much fun of your own project, if I had wanted to laugh while reading this blog I would have invested in a comedian

    1. There is a difference between taking things seriously and taking yourself seriously. Nicolas is pro. His project is brilliantly carried out…And he communicates with humor. But as Coluche said, we can laugh at everything but not with everyone... apparently :-))

    2. For my part, I also appreciate Nicolas' humor and the work done – which doesn't have to be funny every day – and the dose of good humor he manages to convey over his blog, which I eagerly check each week.
      Above all, don't lose your humor even in the face of the eternal grumpy people. Good luck for the future…

    3. Same as AnonymousJune 20, 2015 14:23 p.m. and AnonymousJune 21, 2015 00:15 a.m.: Nicolas, don't listen to grumpy people like AnonymousJune 20, 2015 00:06 a.m., because I also appreciate the professionalism of the project and the technical details of the posts that go well better thanks to this touch of humor. Do not change anything!!

  2. I laughed a lot at your comments (Pioupiou got what mention? )

    I am amazed by your professionalism


    1. On my side I am ready, and we have started part of the assembly.

      The uncertainty is on the 3 pieces that I am still missing:

      – The antennas, which should theoretically have been sent to me yesterday. But since I haven't received an email, I think they are late.

      – The propeller shafts, which I had to redo following a tolerance problem. I will have them next week.

      – The bearings for the propeller, on which it is the total blur. The supplier is already one month behind the scheduled delivery. I relaunched them a little curtly, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

      So, my expected delivery date is “as soon as I have all that, + 1 week”. Unfortunately, it's not up to me anymore. I'm as excited as you...

    2. Give us his email, we'll take care of him 😉
      How much do you think it cracks?
      Go home stretch ... hoping it does not 15000 kilometers :-))

  3. Without humor, the brain would be just gray matter.
    As “AnonymousJune 20, 2015 14:23 pm” rightly points out, you can do a good job without taking yourself seriously!
    Does the extended delivery time of a few weeks prevent us from flying? The dough that we have advanced, even well "placed", would bring us how much?


  4. I don't fly for my part, but the project appealed to me because of the regularity (and the sincerity) of the information disseminated, as well as the humorous tone, on a serious basis.
    In short, everything to please me.

    And since I don't fly, I'm not going to make the affront of keeping Pioupiou in the closet, but I'm going to find a location for him so that the main interested parties can benefit from it.
    Courage, last straight line (with probably still a few curves to negotiate) 😉

  5. For my part, I suggest that the grumpy people (although I understand their impatience) go help Nicolas….with their skills, the work will probably go faster 😉

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