Hey hey, the cards have arrived!

Hey hey, the cards have arrived!

I have plenty. We can start playing!

Yes I know. We have an appointment at the beginning of the week to have them assembled by the pros. But that's no reason not to test one or two right away.

So as it's a holiday, we'll do with the means at hand. Mom's not here, that's perfect. Head to the kitchen table.

We start by cleaning the cards, flooding them with a head-spinning chemical. That way they will be very clean, and there will be no impurities to interfere with the welding.

Like the bad guys in the movies!

You have to drop the dough. This time, no need tobother with the syringe. I have a nice stencil.

That said, it's not because this time there is no syringe that you have to show it to the children.

So we start by putting a big trace of white powder on the mirror.

Then we scrape well with the blue card.

We'll just avoid the step where we plant the $1 bill in the nose. With this kind of substances it is even less recommended. Mom will really scream!

And hop ! We have just the right amount of paste, beautifully deposited on the component pads. Isn't that beautiful?

It's holiday !!!

All that remains is to place the components one by one. Preferably with Mom's tweezers.

Of course, I haven't received everything yet. Not content with this beautiful month of May already all holed up, our Yankee friends had to invent Memorial Day as well. So my order left a day late, and on Friday the Fedex deliveryman crashed. We had to go dig into the stock. I don't have everything, but I have enough to keep me busy this weekend.

The chef's recipe

Once the makeshift components are positioned, it's time to solder.

We're already in the kitchen, and that's pretty good. You will understand...

WARNING: the method you are going to see here was carried out by a trained professional. Do not attempt to replicate this at home. You should never mix lead and food, except in cases of force majeure to touch the mother-in-law's inheritance more quickly.

In my kitchen, unfortunately, I do not yet have a CMS oven.

Never mind. We will do without 🙂

Take a nice electric cooker:

Go get your favorite electronic stove:

Add a map...

Then another...

The chef's tip

Place a knob of butter in the bottom of your pan

Hey, but what is this story again???

I had explained during the first batch that it was necessary, to weld, to control the temperature very precisely.

So we're going to watch our little piece of butter very closely.

And we wait quietly. When the butter darkens, it's the signal!

Butter turns black at around 130°C. Exactly the temperature at which a plateau must be marked. Not bad huh !

So we take the opportunity to lower the heat for a minute, so that the card heats up and all the moisture evaporates.

During this time, we can meditate and tell ourselves that it would be worth investing 35€ in an infrared thermometer.

Once the minute has passed, we set the fire to the max. Fusion goal!

We carefully monitor the welds, and… Of course, the camera's memory card was exactly full at the interesting moment. So I quickly grilled a third card, just to show you:

(I had the idea to make you a nice video with the complete process. But I don't have time to do the editing. You will have to be satisfied with this trailer.)

You can't see it in my video, but there is something absolutely magical about this process: you can place the components anyhow. When the solder becomes liquid, the surface tension is so great that the components position themselves!

Good. When everything has melted, remove the pan from the heat and wait quietly for it to cool.

Not bad, huh, for pan welds 😉

The end

All that remains is to add a few final touches, and here are our cards ready for the adventure!

Alas, this moment of grace does not last long. Because a dangerous predator lurks in the sector, and will mistreat them for his most Machiavellian experiments.

And as expected, it works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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4 thoughts on “ Hey hey, the cards have arrived! »

  1. Well done again,
    From when will we be able to see the result of the first beacons in operation, (protos), and on which site?

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