An update on the situation

An update on the situation

The Rondeau interchange completely saturated − image borrowed from DL

The previous posts on the blog have caused quite a stir. So I deleted them.

I will therefore try to clarify the situation, in the most readable way possible, to avoid misunderstandings:

I am not abandoning the project

It was never in question. On the other hand, it is certain that I cannot continue " as is », ie alone and with too limited means.

This is why I am in the process of organizing the takeover of the company, with people who can give it the necessary solidity.

I don't let you down

If that was my intention, I would have filed for bankruptcy a long time ago. Why do I keep putting myself through all this work?

I'm completely overwhelmed and exhausted

For months, this project has turned into a long list of problems to manage. It became a huge traffic jam.

Fatigue and stress also accumulate. My state of health has deteriorated extremely. It's not possible to take a vacation if you think about the project 24 hours a day. If I were an employee, I would have been on sick leave for months.

The priority is to sign with the buyers

The priority is to prevent the project from completely imploding – whether morally or financially.

The only solution to get out of the impasse is to quickly bring " arm » additional in the project = buyers. The countdown begins. I've already pulled too much on the string and I won't hold out much longer. This matter must be resolved before the reserves are completely empty. Otherwise, it's guaranteed nervous cracking - and without anyone in charge, it will inevitably lead to the cessation of payments with all the associated consequences.

So there are serious negotiations that are well advanced. This is priority #1. But for the moment, nothing is signed yet…

Repairs take time

Yes. There are 400 Pioupious to repair. It takes a long time. If we say that someone does this full time, that gives 10 Pioupious per day = 40 working days = 2 months.

This represents nearly 10m3 of boxes. It's already complicated enough to manage logistically. Since it is urgent for everyone, I will not be able to treat anyone first.

A good third of the Pioupious received are practically finalized and should leave in the coming days. Some of these appear "online".

I am no longer taking new orders.

I'm already overwhelmed enough. No way to add more.

No reopening date scheduled at this time.

Committed orders will also be late

For the moment, I do not yet have enough information to give an estimated time.

What followed

I will give news on this blog when there will be some. I don't give deadlines, because the current situation is far too complicated to have visibility.

Faced with the amount of work I have to do, I have to save my time dedicated to the project. This is why it is difficult for me to respond individually to the many requests I receive. As a result, I no longer do direct support over the phone.

For any urgent questions, you can contact me by email. Try to avoid questions such as “where is my Pioupiou? “, since I will not be able to give you more forecasts than what is marked here.

18 thoughts on “ An update on the situation »

  1. Thanks for the news

    Yes I would have liked to have my pioupiou at home but I understand you and I understand where the priorities of the project are. So I'm patient!

    The Wind Company is not a €1000000 capital company with 1000 employees as we are used to on the internet.

    We customers, be indulgent and patient…Nicolas seems to be honest and honest, he will not let us down.

    1. In a crowdfunding process, we must not consider ourselves or behave as customers with customer requirements, but as supporting participants of a project to which we adhere by assuming the advantages and the risks. Nicolas, you have my full support (including financial if you need to add an extension) and probably that of all those who were not mistaken about the nature of this project.

    2. Well said Jean-Louis! If necessary, we will defend you locally and if I weren't on the other side of France (…), I would gladly offer you my help!

  2. we are in winter, it flies little and badly … we have done without pioupiou so far … good luck
    I would wait for my pioupiou with philosophy (he often comes to the house to drink a beer)

  3. Hello Nicolas
    I'm interested in discussing the recovery project with you.
    Do you have a moment to discuss it?
    Good luck

  4. Nicolas,

    Disregard the email I just sent you regarding the delivery time of the last series. I had zapped the blog. Courage and why not take advantage of a break of a few days in the snow-capped mountains which are so close, to leave fully pumped up? Cordially. Philip

  5. Hi, have you ever thought about self-financing solutions like: or
    Hello there, have you never thought of possible solutions of auto-financing your project through oppure ?
    Hello, Christian. (Vicenza, Italy).

  6. Then I see the suggestion to contact an electronics school and to offer their teacher as part of their training to help you.
    They take practice and you are a good example of what perseverance and knowledge can offer.


  7. Thank you for the clarification Nicolas and good luck for the future.
    Fingers crossed for the recovery here in Brest 😉

  8. Nicolas,

    We showed our Pioupiou project (on order) during the AGM of our funboard club and JF COUR, president of the Lorraine Sailing League was very interested and will report the information to the French Sailing Federation. . If you wish, I can put you in contact with him, this could offer new opportunities to yourself or your buyer. Cordially.

  9. Hello, as usual here is what it said 3 weeks ago: "A good third of the Pioupious received are practically finalized and should leave in the coming days. Some of these appear "online""

    Mine has been online for over a month and I haven't received it yet...

    Some of you have already received a repaired Pioupiou or no one?

  10. Hello,

    We have received our 8 repaired pioupious. They work perfectly.
    We even have one whose mast broke its face and which remained under the snow for almost 7 days (spot relatively far away). It was still on but could no longer transmit in the snow.
    We have a second one at the top of a mountain, it sometimes gets slapped at 54 knots, no problem.

    Patience, I think you will receive yours soon 🙂
    And courage to Nicolas, believe me, he works, which is why he probably has little time to devote to the blog.

  11. Hello,

    We have two competitions, one in March and another in April and we absolutely need pioupiou N° 176, our FFVL beacon also being broken down.

    We would like you to send the Pioupiou back to us with the parts to be changed because we have electronics engineers who can make the modification.

    Can you send the Pioupiou back to us as soon as possible so that we can repair it?

    Thank you


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