The pioupiou prepares to hatch

The pioupiou prepares to hatch

I wrote an article yesterday to present the beacon in the Vol Passion of June.

Our little pioupiou was therefore treated to an improvised photo shoot. The opportunity to present to you the almost finalized version of the object:

Note the solution adopted for the antenna. It will simply be fixed head up on the support. It's not as ideal as I would have liked, but in life you have to know how to make concessions. If you want to be too perfect, you do nothing. The important thing is that it works.

I also took the opportunity to change the solar panel. I will do a full article on the subject.

So we're almost there!

Almost 2 weeks that the test beacon works without worries.

Antenna and energy issues are resolved.

Tomorrow I order the final components to correct my errors of the first card.

And if I have time, next week I'll send the drawings for the cards for the 20 prototypes to the factory. Otherwise I will do it when I return the following week.

That means barring a nuclear accident or an alien invasion, I should be able to mail this to you within the week. you 12 ou you 19 May 🙂 EDIT: June 2

And at the beginning of June, we open orders for the next 150 (or more)!

This article tells you about the birth of Piou Piou, the first 100% autonomous and affordable sensor to measure the wind live, even where there is no electricity or internet.

Discover Pioupiou on his website:

10 thoughts on “ The pioupiou prepares to hatch »

  1. Congratulations Nico, and thank you… 🙂 Can you tell us what it will take as mat (section, diam. …), and gear needed to fix piou-piou?

    1. Any tube should do. Ideally it should have a diameter of 3-4 cm at the top.
      I use old plank masts, that seems to do the trick. The beacon is very light. I provide with plastic collars and a U that screws. It's up to you.

  2. a question nico from a neophyte is that too much beacon will not harm the beacon or a grid is necessary in order to optimize the data, congratulations for your passionate work.

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